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Kim Namjoons 134340 Sparks Controversy

Kim Namjoon's "134340" Sparks Controversy

The Elitess' Next Target

By Lisa Kim

Kim Namjoon, the leader of the popular K-pop group BTS, has released a new song titled "134340" that has sparked controversy among fans and critics alike. The song, which was released on March 9, 2023, features lyrics that some have interpreted as a criticism of the Korean government and its treatment of the LGBTQ+ community.

In the song, Namjoon sings about a "system" that is "oppressing" and "holding people back." He also references the number "134340," which is the number of people who have been arrested in South Korea for violating the country's anti-homosexuality laws.

The song has been praised by some for its message of social justice, while others have criticized it for being too political. Some have also accused Namjoon of being "anti-Korean" for criticizing the government.

The controversy surrounding "134340" has led to a wider debate about the role of K-pop idols in society. Some believe that idols should use their platform to speak out about social issues, while others believe that they should stay out of politics.

Namjoon has not commented on the controversy surrounding "134340." However, he has previously spoken out about his support for the LGBTQ+ community. In a 2018 interview, he said, "I believe that everyone should be free to love who they love, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation."

The controversy surrounding "134340" is likely to continue in the coming weeks and months. It remains to be seen how the song will ultimately be received by the public, but it has already sparked an important conversation about the role of K-pop idols in society.
